Artist statement
I think that the work of the artist is to be receptive to deep inner material. Allowing the unconscious to become known to the conscious through the studio process... that is my job, I think. 
Dreams play an important role in this process. A key dream which I believe is the underlying strength of my work, can be told as follows: 
In the dream I am extremely old... wizened. I am bent over, twisted, my face is as wrinkled as an old bed sheet, my back bent over. I seem to have no gender. I am in a garret-like space. It is vast... so expansive that (though enclosed and roofed) it goes on and on as far as the eye can see. All over the floor of this vast space are fragments of texts and ancient writings, a phrase here, a word there, a few numbers. These fragments are heaped. I am up to my knees in this old material. 
I hardly dare breathe. I understand that I am standing knee-deep in the chaos of what remains of all the world's knowledge; all that has ever been known. It is now absolutely in fragments. It is my task to re-assemble this material. If I do not, all that humans have known will be lost. 
I am the link. This is the work.
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